GSSF Indoor Match Information

Upcoming GSSF Indoor League Matches at Thunder Alley

October, 2025 TBDMarch 15th, 2025April 19th, 2025

What is the GSSF League?

What is a GSSF League Match???

The GSSF League Match is a series of three matches conducted over a 3-month period. Participants must be current GSSF members and compete in two of the three matches to qualify for plaques and prizes. If you are not currently a member, you may join on-line at this web-site or upon registration at a GSSF League Match. An annual GSSF membership costs only $35.00 for new members and $25.00 for renewing members and allows you to compete in any GSSF match. Competitors may shoot ANY GLOCK pistol.

The Lewis Prize Allocation system is used to distribute awards as equitably as possible. Each separate pistol used during the match will be a separate entry. Your two best scores of each entry during the series will be totaled and averaged at the end of the 3-match series. If a shooter competes in only two matches, his/her scores for each entry are totaled and divided by two. If a shooter competes in all three matches, his/her best two scores for each entry are totaled and divided by 2.

The result is one final score for each entry, which is then listed in the overall order in which he/she finished. The overall list is then divided into thirds, with the top one-third considered “A Class,” the second one-third is “B Class,” and the final one-third is “C Class.” Plaques or Travel Mugs are awarded to the top competitor of each class. Unlimited Class is available for non-stock GLOCK Pistols

All Scoring disputes will be determined by the host range.

Additionally, t-shirts, hats, and field knives are awarded and a GLOCK pistol is GIVEN AWAY by drawing at the end of a GSSF League Match series.

Check the schedule for the League Match nearest you and come join us for some fun on the range!

We hope to see you at the next GSSF League Match!

Glock Blue Label Program

Thunder Alley Indoor Shooting Range, LLC is proud to offer the exclusive Blue Label program offered by Glock to support those who protect and serve communities across the U.S. and around the world. Those who qualify will receive a discount on any GLOCK pistol of their choice.

Those who qualify include:

Sworn Law Enforcement officers, including Federal, State, County, & City (Includes retired L.E. officers with “retired” credentials)
EMT’s, Fire Fighters, Volunteer Fire Fighters, and Paramedics
Military personnel including Reservists and National Guard with I.D. (Includes retired Military with “retired” credentials) (DD214 With Honorable Discharge on it)
Corrections Officers, including Parole and Probation Officers
State Licensed Security Companies (Loomis, RAM, etc.)
Court Judges, District Attorneys and Deputy District Attorneys
LE Academy Cadets with enrollment documentation from the Academy

For more information or questions give us a call at: (402) 464-0083 or email us at: